GwentBansBot is a discord bot which facilitates deck sharing and bans for Gwent tournament play. Players will challenge their opponent, add their decks and then ban a deck from their opponent.
Command | Description |
/help | Gives information about how the bot works and when to use each command |
/challenge | Initiates a game against an opponent, players will be prompted to use /add_deck and /veto when required. Games will automatically close after 30 minutes and can be canceled with /end_challenge if a player makes a mistake. |
/add_deck | Adds a deck to a player’s lineup, only use after /challenge |
/veto | Ban a deck from opponent’s lineup by selecting faction to ban, only use after /challenge and /add_deck |
/end_challenge | Used to end a game against opponent to restart ban process if a mistake is made |
/opponent | Gives currently assigned opponent |
/my_decks | Gives currently added decks |
Note on Use
GwentBansBot only works for tournaments where decks are from unique factions with a single ban.