Meta snapshot #23

Meta snapshot #23

[24.01] Release: 9 new decks, new ranking, new matchups & gameplan info.

Patch 10.1 delivered several changes to the top decks of last season, but ultimately tier one remains unchanged. Assimilate evaded the nerf bat entirely, and while King of Beggars did receive a change, it wasn’t exactly a nerf.

No, the real difference you’re going to see is in the runner up decks. The previous champion of tier 2, Guerilla Tactics Milva, saw the card that gave it its name nerfed to the ground. With the untimely demise of this aggressive control deck, the rest of the meta has learned one lesson: greed is good. While KoB Syndicate offers some strong removal options, most other decks in the meta are more concerned with their side of the board, making engine overload the name of the game.

Battle Trance Gedyneith combines the alchemy/Druid package with the discard package for efficient value and tempo. Crow Clan Preacher spam has always been powerful with Mushy Truffle, but getting the first one to stick long enough for bond value was more difficult before Milva’s nerf.

The beloved vampires archetype, while still rough around the edges, has gone all-in on Fleder spam. While it requires some setup to pull off properly, Fleders are particularly resistant to removal since they are so easy to boost on the turn they are played. Pair these powerful engines with a pointslam finisher like Regis, and you have the perfect combination for a round 2 bleed. Sorry, we’re better than that.

The meta has gotten so greedy, even Alumni has come back from the dead. While the buff to Istredd was welcome, the nerfs to the movement-based removal deck were the biggest boon to this deck full of rowlocked engines. The deck is as it ever was, though the inability to pull Raffard’s vengeance from Amphibious Assault has led to many people breaking devotion for Royal Decree.

Finally, Roach and Knickers were buffed again, which means everyone and their dog is trying out Nilfgaard Clog and Hyperthin. However, while the buffs have made the decks somewhat viable, the meta is bad for them. Nilfgaard tempo isn’t explosive enough to knock higher tiered decks out of the round before their engines are set up, and struggle to stand up to their value once that happens.

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