Meta snapshot #24

Meta snapshot #24

[20.02] Release: 8 new decks, new ranking, new matchups & gameplan info.

With the new Patch 10.2 some of the most powerful decks got a slight nerf, while the underused archetypes got some buffs in an attempt to make them playable. Assimilate evaded the nerf bat entirely, and while King of Beggars got a new nerf, the card is still bonkers by itself.

No, the real difference you’re going to see is in the runner-up decks. The two newly discovered Skellige archetypes, Pirates and Selfwound made their presense known, as well as Siege. While KoB Syndicate offers some strong removal options, most other decks in the meta are more concerned with their side of the board, making engine overload the name of the game.

Those two Skellige decks took the throne of Gedy, and pushed it out of the meta. The reworked Sigvald is carrying the whole selfwound archetype with Knut, as it’s extremely hard to remove. Pirates also have some great matchups, as their armor is hard to penetrate, and they can efficiently deal with threats.

The beloved vampires archetype slowed down on the all-in Fleder spam, and now has a more midrangey approach. While it requires some setup to pull off properly, they are still particularly resistant to removal since they are so easy to boost on the turn they are played. Pair these powerful engines with a pointslam finisher like Regis, and you have the perfect combination for a round 2 bleed.

The meta has gotten so greedy that Alumni has returned to tier1 after some hiatus. While the buff to Istredd was welcome, the nerfs to the movement-based removal deck were the biggest boon to this deck full of rowlocked engines. The deck is as strong as it ever was, though the inability to pull Raffard’s Vengeance from Amphibious Assault has led to many people breaking devotion for Royal Decree. Siege has also made an appearence, with the reworked Siege Engines, the deck gained a lot of power.

Nilfgaard’s decks of choice are Assimilate and Hyperthin. Assimilate does what it does best, beating you with your own cards. And Hyperthin is slowly getting powercreeped, although the recent buffs to the best bois, Roach and Knickers are welcomed.

Check also decks from Qualifiers #1.

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