Meta snapshot #25

Meta snapshot #25

[25.03] Release: 8 new decks, new ranking, new matchups & gameplan info.

The new patch gave some long-forgotten archetypes some time to shine, or just barely back to tier3. Most of the factions have 1 or 2 competitive decks, and the power-balance is quite nice across all the factions. NR has Alumni and Siege on top, ST has Elves, NG has the usual Assimilate (for a bit too long, no other NG decks were able to come close) SK has Pirates, Warriors, Sigvald cheese, and Alchemy, MO has Kelly, Frost, Vamps, and SY has OTB and Jackpot, though they have a lot of similarities.

This meta was quite balanced, not that many autowin matchups, so if this tendency keeps going, we will have a very nice competitive scene.

Check also decks from Gwent Open #1.

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Truzky, Gandalf0271, HighRollerko, Briquey, T1mMy, Gregor_, Gregory_Black, Rogbros, Gerinter, Electric000, Artem.Klyq, GaBane, and TroVNut.

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