Meta snapshot #26

Meta snapshot #26

[16.04] Release: 8 new decks, new ranking, new matchups & gameplan info.

This month’s new patch brought us the ever so desired Golden Nekker card along with 20 other cards contributing to one of the most influential meta shifts we have seen in Gwent. This mini-expansion, called “Forgotten Treasures” should have been named “Nekker, Nekker, and more Nekker”, since it feels like the majority of matches on ladder have at least one player using this new card.

We now have Ciri Nova/Golden Nekker decks dominating the ladder with the likes of SK Flurry, MO Arachas Swarm, SY Congregate, and MO Relicts. Also, NR has a new toy with Traveling Priestess, which we believe is currently the strongest deck. Some decks from last season remain strong too, however – NR Siege and SK Self Wound are largely unchanged, while minor changes have been made to NG Assimilate, ST Elves, and NG Hyperthin.

And can we please not forget that our beloved ST Dorfs are back in the meta?! What a time to be alive when you can unironically jam dwarves games on high ladder! We hope you enjoy these decks as much as we do. For Mahakam!

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Truzky, Gandalf0271, HighRollerko, Briquey, T1mMy, Gregor_, oXo, Rogbros, Kozix, INAF_Official, Electric000, Artem.Klyq, TroVNut and JustKazz.

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