Meta snapshot #29

Meta snapshot #29

[23.08] Release: 10 new decks, new ranking, new videos, new matchups & gameplan info.

Hi, everyone. I’m Rykov, Lead Community Specialist at Team Elder Blood, with the next edition of our meta snapshot, this time in patch 10.8. Slowly summer vacations become a fading memory like the reign of Renfri on ladder (may she never reign again) and with recent balance changes, it is time for a return of some old archetypes and for new archetypes a chance to shine after they’re not overshadowed by Renfri.

Let’s start with Northern Realms. The knights are still a good archetype, playing them you can expect high points on your side, it’s kind of like solitaire you just throw the cards in a certain order. If you have always dreamed of being a knight, there is nothing stopping you from becoming the next great knight like Reynard, Vissegerd, or Donimir and defending your MMR.
Because of decks like elf spam and cultists spam, siege becomes once again a great deck to play. You can easily 2:0 opponents, thanks to a wide range of damage dealing engines and Henselt in a combination with Foltest’s Pride, and your leader can do more than 30 points in one move. Whatever appears on the board will be swept away before it can do anything, I assure you.

In Scoia’tael, after removing charges from Munro and stripping the armor off from Zoltan: Warrior, two cards which were a core of every Scoia’tael deck in the past season, are now not so essential and with nerfs to Renfri and Knickers, handbuff archetype is no longer viable. So it is the best time for Scoia’tael cards to sing in harmony a song about Mysteries of Loc Feainn. Harmony decks allow to control of opponent’s board state with movement package as well as Hen Gaidth Sword, while building points of our own with the harmony engines. The addition of new tags for a big number of Scoia’tael units makes the first chapter in Mysteries of Loc Feainn a nightmare for our opponent.
Also, elves are back in style. They benefit greatly from a bandit tag for elven deadeyes, which allows us to buff almost an entire board twice, thanks to Isengrim and Free Company. There is no problem for us with the round length – elves can perform well in both cases, be it a long duel or a short clash in round 3. Assuming we’ll allow for a third round.

Vampires felt Renfri’s nerf the least, despite changing her strength from 7 to 5. The ability they care about the most – “Boost an allied unit by its base power”, gained 2 additional points, nullifying the aforementioned nerf to Renfri’s power. With no other monster changes affecting vampires, it remains to be seen how bloodsuckers will handle the new reality, with more special cards and artifacts in their opponents’ decks.
What a nice manor…. You have seen this little ginger cat? Maybe he knows something about The Manor’s Dark Secret? After the fix, Sir Scratch-a-Lot no longer ignores doomed status, and will now get banished when replayed. So we finally got rid got rid of multiple cats being summoned each round. Instead, we will focus more on playing the scenario and double Koshchey, also the prologue of the scenario received a nice buff in the form of 2 additional points on a spawned Cursed Damsel.

The pirates of Skellige embark on an Endless Voyage right after throwing Renfri overboard. After all, an old sailor’s superstition says that a woman on board brings misfortune. Nevertheless, they took Coral and Birna instead with them, probably because they are in possession of a magic compass. Now without Renfri, they can use their Raiding Fleet to bleed enemy units, burn artifacts with Korathi Heatwave and pillage MMR from their vaults.
It’s also okay, if you don’t want to spend your time with the sea wolves, there’s still an alternative for you in the form of a pretty familiar archetype – self-wound. Melusine is eager to rule the ladder once again, meaning it’s time for a return of this pointslam deck with a pinch of control. We have this worshiped giant ekhidna, growing by dozens of points for later rounds and a duo of Sigvald and Knut, ensuring that no opponent unit stays on the board longer than Melusine allows it.

For the last, let’s walk down the mean street of Novigrad. Syndicate is the only faction to still use Golden Nekker to its full potential. While there are decks all around that focus on boosting themselves to huge numbers, there is also a way to answer them, and no, it’s not Geralt: Yrden. The way is a collection of poisons brewed by the Bleinheim brothers. Denying ourselves cards with 10 or more provisions may be an inconvenience, but the potential of Golden Nekker in a short round is turning that inconvenience barely noticeable. And although several cards received some nerfs in the recent patch, the archetype still remains one of the strongest in the current meta.

If suspicious potions are not your thing and instead you prefer a more “classic” style, pay a visit to Putrid Grove, where King of Beggars gathered together some of the most nefarious individuals from the Free City of Novigrad. Devo SY always was an example of a proper midrange deck. Remaining strong regardless of later rounds’ lengths, allows us to commit less in the first round. Jacques will reward you for playing Firesworns, like Cyrus or bronze Eternal Fire cards, Conjurer’s Candle will protect you from overprofiting and Salamandra Mages are still one of the best 5-provision units in the game. At the same time, poison package will deal with the opponent’s tall units, while Professor and Whoreson Junior clean the opponent’s board from those pesky engines.

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Gandalf0271, Truzky, KozixTheUnique, T1mMy, FergieB, Gregory_Black, ArtNhr, Electric000, Artem.Klyq, TroVNut, Pawloex and Rykov.

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