Meta snapshot #30

Meta snapshot #30

[23.09] Release: 9 new decks, new ranking, new videos, new matchups & gameplan info.

This time we have two strong decks in the lead: Syndicate Nekker and Nilfgaard Imprisonment, the second powered by Renfri, redesigned Nauzicaa Sergeant, and other Nilfgaard soldiers.

The second tier consists of Puzzle Harmony (with movement) and Northern Realms Knights, and to be honest this will be a place where players pick will end both in esport scene and proladder, but if you feel extra fancy today you can try Monsters Vamps or Skellige Devo Pawloex Warriors.

But even though 2 factions can be called the strongest, others also have some representation here. For honorable men we have knights. Vicious monsters can slowly bleed out others thanks to the Vampires archetype. People devoted to only faction cards will appreciate Warriors. You can also become a nightmare for 4 power units thanks to Guerilla Tactics decks, doesn’t matter if you live in Harmony or prefer more pointslammy decks with Renfri. At the very end, you can also Assimilate all those archetypes above and use your opponent’s cards better and for bigger value than him.

We hope you will have fun with the current meta and we will see you on the top!

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Tier #1

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Tier #3

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no commentary- ArtNhr

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🇷🇺 Russian – Electric000
🇷🇺 Russian – Artem
🇷🇺 Russian – Electric000

🇷🇺 Russian – Electric000
🇷🇺 Russian – Electric000
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🇵🇱 Polish – Pawloex
🇵🇱 Polish – Pawloex

🇵🇱 Polish – Pawloex
🇵🇱 Polish – Pawloex

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Writers, consultants, and editors:

Gandalf0271, Truzky, KozixTheUnique, T1mMy, Gregory_Black, ArtNhr, Electric000, Artem.Klyq, TroVNut, Pawloex and Rykov.

Manager: KissAndRun

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