Meta snapshot #31

Meta snapshot #31

[01.11] Update #1: new ranking and new videos

[19.10] Release: 9 new decks, new ranking, new videos, new matchups & gameplan info.

After a new expansion, there are some new decks in the meta. While Renfri NG still feels the strongest, Reaver Hunters, Sove and Sigi Mastermind are strong enough to carry the entire faction. After recent buffs, devotion archetypes such as Wild Hunt and Symbiosis are playable now and can compete with some of the top meta decks when played correctly.

Lately, we also had a group phase of Gwent Play-In tournament that decided next 2 players for Gwent Masters: Truzky and Kams134, few other players will still fight in the second phase: Puzzle.Express, Poisound, Bart933, Danirai, Spellingbee, and Pajabol. You can check the details (decks, stats, and results) of this event here. Second phase starts on 29 October.

We hope you will have fun with the current meta and we will see you on the top!

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🇬🇧 English – ArtNhr

🇬🇧 English – ArtNhr
🇬🇧 English- ArtNhr

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🇷🇺 Russian – Artem
🇷🇺 Russian – Electric000
🇷🇺 Russian – Artem
🇷🇺 Russian – Electric000

🇷🇺 Russian – Electric000
🇷🇺 Russian – Electric000
🇵🇱 Polish – Pawloex

🇵🇱 Polish – Pawloex
🇵🇱 Polish – Pawloex
🇵🇱 Polish – Pawloex

🇵🇱 Polish – Pawloex
🇵🇱 Polish – Pawloex

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Writers, consultants, and editors:

Gandalf0271, Truzky, KozixTheUnique, T1mMy, Gregory_Black, ArtNhr, Electric000, Artem.Klyq, TroVNut, Pawloex and Rykov.

Manager: KissAndRun

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Team Elder Blood is Gwent Esport Team.

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Thanks to CD Projekt Red for the support.

Gwent: The Witcher card game, photos and game promotional materials belong to CD Projekt Red.
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